Friday, January 26, 2007

So Tell Me

Today in Darfur
Originally uploaded by Life in Africa.
So tell me, what will be the cost
When this is over, of all the lives lost
To a kind of violence too horrible to describe
Too atrocious to dream
Too sickening to ponder

And tell me, how does one
Rid themselves of the feeling
Of being overwhelmed by nausia
And the feeling of being drained
Of one's blood that ensues
That causes one's face
To wear the look of death

And tell me, what happens
To the million or so children left behind
Who will carry with them
The memories of mothers
And fathers, sisters
And brothers
Lost to a bloody slaughter
Too evil to forget

Tell me, what do we do
About them, these little ones
Who tremble in the night

Michele L. Langlo

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