Friday, January 12, 2007

Give Them Voices

Darfur (Taken by Michael Kamber)
Originally uploaded by .Amir.
Give voice to the children
who are terrified, who tremble
in the darkness

Give voice to the mothers
grieving for their children
lost to the violence of the night

Give voice to the man who lays his
family in their graves

Give voice the tears shed
in anguish, the tears that know
no peace.

Give voice to broken hearts and
souls torn to pieces

And silence the madness

Michele L. Langlo


Helena said...

You have opened my eyes to something I have not known about or seen,,,and my heart bleeds for those poor souls,,,I shall pray for them.

chele said...

Thank you so much!!! And please pass along the word to others to visit Our voices can do a great deal if heard in the right places.